Races -- Lasconti
Between nature and civilization, there lies a third path of balance between the two. Lasconti embrace this path with all their hearts.

Lasconti traits:

Average Height: 4’8” – 5’10”
Average Weight:
90lbs. – 140lbs.

Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence
6 Squares; Climb 2

Languages: Common plus one other language.
Skill Bonuses:
Acrobatics +2, Streetwise +2

Natural Shapechanger: Lasconti are considered to have the Shapechanger keyword.

Lasconti Alternate Forms: Lasconti have the lasconti alternate forms racial feature.

Spider Blood: Lasconti gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude Defense and poison resistance equal to 5 + ½ their level.

Webspinner: Lasconti have the webspinner racial feature.

Racial Feature:

Lasconti Alternate Forms
Lasconti Racial Power
As a hengeyokai, you are capable of fully embracing both sides of your nature.
At-Will • Polymorph
Move Action - Personal
You take either the form of a tiny spider, or a humanoid form unique to yourself.

While in spider form:

  • You cannot attack or use you gear (it is melded into your body and non-functional in this form)
  • Are automatically considered concealed.
  • Cannot make Strength checks.
  • Retain your defenses and other statistics.
  • You sustain this form as a standard action and can resume your normal form as a free action.
  • You can only take spider form once per day.

While in humanoid form:

  • You lose your climb speed and the use of your webspinner encounter power.
  • You sustain this form as a free action and can resume your normal form as a free action.

Lasconti Racial Power
You generate a sticky web to trap your foes.

Encounter (5 daily charges)
Standard - Range 5
One creature
Dexterity +2 vs. Reflex
Special: Increase to +4 at 11th level and +6 at 21st level.
Miss: The target is immobilized until the start of your next turn.
You can spend daily charges of this power as a standard action to generate a non-sticky strand of web that can be used as rope. For every daily charge of this power you expend, you generate 10ft of rope. This rope becomes brittle and dissolves after one hour.

Hengeyokai are a type of intelligent animal gifted with the ability to take human form. Lasconti are a race of spider hengeyokai that have grown closer to their human side than their animal side, using their dual natures to carve a niche in mortal society.

Hengeyokai are a type of intelligent animal gifted with the ability to take human form. Lasconti are a race of spider hengeyokai that have grown closer to their human side than their animal side, using their dual natures to carve a niche in mortal society.

Play a Lasconti if you want...

  • To play a hero with ancestral ties to nature
  • To play a character tied to the popular culture of the world.
  • To play a rogue, warlord, or loreman


In their humanoid form, which they use most often, lasconti are short, thin humanoids with slightly pointed ears, sharp noses, and shiny, black eyes. Their hair is almost universally short, black and stiff, growing sparsely on their legs and arms as well as their heads.

In natural form, have a row of six extra eyes above their primary pair and extending from temple to temple. They also have two extra arms (These arms lack fingers and largely only aid in climbing), ending in savage, grasping hooks and their stiff hair covers their entire bodies as their skin is chitinous and black.

Lasconti trend toward light, minimal clothing that allows maximum freedom of movement.


There once existed on Ere a line of creatures in Sylph the First’s service that served as ambassadors between the natural world and mortal civilization called hengeyokai. But as the appearance of spirit beasts drove most mortals further and further from nature, the most hengeyokai lost contact with the mortal world and retreated into the wild places of the world.

But one race of hengeyokai stayed behind; the spiders. While the others of their kind lost their ties to mortals, the spider hengeyokai lost their connection to their animal kin instead, becoming more and more civilized.

Rare though they were, the spiders, the lasconti, made themselves useful in the Vishnari Empire and in the fledgling kingdoms of the Age of Tragedies. Today, the Lasconti are viewed in a mysterious and almost romantic light and more than a few work to live up to or take advantage of that image.

Lasconti merchants and laymen are few and far between as every generation is more and more likely to take an interest in adventuring, thievery, archeology and even highway robbery. Their exploits are a common subject in popular novels to the point that more people think they know exactly what lasconti as like than have ever seen one.

Lasconti Characteristics: brash, inquisitive, sneaky, clever, creative.

Names: Lasconti names feature many clicks and hisses that hearken back to their arachnid roots.
Male Names:
Kisik, Slic’ch, Hin’ick, Dok’sim
Female Names:
Hiis’mik, Shiish’sum, Keeka, Cis’sha
Family Names:
Cikkus, Rassick, Picsius

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