Initiative +15 Senses
Perception +13; darkvision
800; Bloodied 400
Vulnerability 10 ash wrought
AC 34; Fortitude
32, Reflex 30, Will
Speed 8 squares
Action Points 2
Claw (basic melee; standard;
+23 vs. AC; 1d10+7 damage; see dual claw rend.
(standard; at-will)
+23 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage and the target is grabbed.
Claw Rend (standard; at-will)
The wolf herder makes two claw attacks.
Blast (standard; recharge 456) - Thunder
Close blast 3; +21 vs. Reflex; 4d10+7 and the
target is knocked prone.
Spitter (standard; recharges when bloodied)
The wolf herder summons 4 wolf shades. These creatures
appear anywhere within a close blast 5. Summoned
wolf shades roll initiative to determine when
they act in initiative order an gain a +2 bonus
to attack as long as the wolf herd is still alive.
They remain until killed or until the encounter
ends. PCs do not earn XP from killing summoned
Wolf Shade (minor, 1/round; at will)
- Healing
One wolf shade within 10 squares gains 5 temporary
hit points and gains a +1 bonus to all defenses
until the end of the wolf herd’s next turn.
Pack Tactics (move, 1/round; at-will)
Two of the wolf herd’s allies may shift
1 square.
Resurrection - Healing
If a wolf herder is reduced to 0 hit points by
an attack intended to kill it that does not deal
fire damage or is delivered by an ash wrought
weapon, the wolf herd rises (as a move action)
on the next turn with 10 hit points.
Alignment Unaligned
Languages Elven
Str: 25 (+15) Dex:
21 (+13) Wis: 21 (+13)
Con: 24 (+15) Int:
8 (+7) Cha: 10 (+8) |