Erean Calendar
Each year is divided into four Seasons: Waking, Guarding,
Gathering, and Watching (Wk/Gu/Ga/Wt), each with three months:
Rising, Standing, and Waning (R/S/W), based on the state of
the dominant moon of that period, each with twenty days. (240
days total).
Thus, a date would be stated as Ninth day
Waking and Standing Fifteen Hundred Eighty Second Year CA,
denoted as (9WkS CA 1582)
Dating System –
Before the discovery of the ancient cities of Vaiackuria
and Durkarr, it was believed that history began with Saint’s
Landing, but we now we know that there were cultures on
this world at least ten thousand years ago, more than five
thousand years longer than previously believed.
Saint’s Landing, however is still
the base point from which the time in years is measured.
The era before Saint’s Landing is known as the Previous
Age (PA) and the era following it is known as the Current
Age (CA). The current date is 4577CA.
These major events are listed below.
Previous Age (5000PA)
The period of civilization during which the cities of Vaiackuria
and Durkarr were built and prospered. Not much is known
of these times except that magical experimentation was a
central concern in Vaiackuria.
Strange artworks found in these cities
suggests that the landscape was far different from the current
mainland geography.
Stillness (1000PA – 0CA)
Little is known of this age except that any attempt to glean
information on this time with divination magic is met with
nothing but darkness and feelings of cold.
Landing (0CA - 1830CA)
It is widely believed that the Greater Pantheon arrived
on Ere early in this era, bringing with them the first mortal
races; humans, hailene and halflings to live in the world,
as well a powerful supernatural beings; dragons, titans,
giants, sphinxes and the like (called Saints in lore and
song from the age) to protect and guide the transplanted
demi-humans until such time that they could fend for themselves.
this age, the gods walked among mortals and performed great
works and miracles to make the hostile world more livable
for their followers. The Saints also went among the mortals,
teaching them the ways of magic, building and combat. Though
the world was still young, dangerous and untamed, it was
as a golden age to those who lived in it.
some undetermined time, most of the Saints took their leave
to take up residence on the moons and sun where they could
build their own palaces and live as they chose. The gods
as well withdrew the bulk of their influence; save for Justicar
who still dwelled in Illium, surrounded by his adoring hailene.
Only the dragons stayed behind to protect the mortals from
the still potent dangers of the wild.
Control (1830CA – 2043CA)
For centuries, the dragons remained as the guardians for
demi-humanity; watching them grow as cultures and innovate
in ways the Saints never expected. Then Ghazhuulphear, a
gold dragon of great power and charisma rallied his fellows
among the nations of Gold, Blue, White, and Silver around
the banner of subjugating those they once protected.
the nations of Red, Green, Bronze, Copper, Brass and Black
abstaining in disgust, Ghazhuulphear and his general, the
blue dragon Cryzandia embarked upon a two hundred year campaign
of slavery and terror that gripped most of the mainland
in what would come to be known as Draconic Control.
years turned into decades and memory of the time when humanity
was free began to wane, a new goddess joined the ranks of
the Greater Pantheon. Dey, the Grey Hand promised absolution
for all sins committed in order to restore freedom to the
mortal peoples of Ere. Her champion, the general remembered
only as the Mother of Blades, built and led the final army
to march against the dragons and throw them down.
the end, the demi-human races won their freedom, forming
the Vishnari Alliance that would eventually span the continent.
The Gold dragon nation was stripped of its status and the
Blue was driven from the continent by the remaining, repentant
Empire (2516CA – 3017CA)
Five hundred years would pass before the intricate treaties
and agreements that made up the Vishnari Alliance finally
cemented their control of the mainland. This Empire was
like none the world has seen before or since, spanning from
coast to coast as well as the Kimeian Isles. Prosperity
reached to all the citizens of the Empire and elite guardsmen
protected all but the most remote villages against the ravages
of spirit beasts.
was a priority among the rulers of the Vishnari and they
spend millions of gold pieces on constructing a central
academy dedicated to the study and development of magic.
Airships, powered armor and other enhancing items were common
parts of military instillations by the height of the Empire.
was around this time that the language of the Saints, now
known as ancient, became totally supplanted in popular usage
by the common tongue, now known only as Common. This was
no mistake, as Vishnari educators spent almost a century
developing and encouraging the spread of common, which could
be more easily adapted to changing culture than its predecessor.
The Hailene
War of Ascension (3017CA – 3032CA)
Meanwhile, on the island of Illium, the hailene were facing
dark times. Justicar had left at some time between 2600CA
and 2602CA, drawing distant like the other gods of the Greater
Pantheon. The hailene, who as a people prided themselves
on being the chosen people of a god, now faced a crisis
of faith.
A ship
without a rudder, the hailene grew convinced that their
abandonment was the fault of the Vishnari and that by conquering
the Empire, they would return to his good graces. Centuries
of research into magical means to wage war followed, placing
the hailene ahead of the technological curve compared to
their peaceful, Vishnari neighbors. Evidence even suggests
that the first research into the nature of divinity sparks
was conducted in laboratories on Illium.
hailene began their war for ascension in 3017 with a lightning
pace. Those they did not destroy, they enslaved, forcing
them to work to develop and construct even more powerful
weapons to bring to bear against the Empire.
3031CA, almost a fifth of Ere’s population was dead
and another two fifths were in slavery. The gnomish race
was all but dead; the few survivors who made it across the
Emaru River were too few to sustain a bloodline. Minotaurs
were almost as bad off, save for the tribes that fled into
the Genmide mountains to fight hailene on their terms. By
war’s end, even the reclusive and isolationist dragons
were drawn into the battle as the hailene began seeking
out their ancient hatching grounds and stealing eggs for
with the power of the mighty dragons behind them, the Vishnari
forces were still on the brink of annihilation at the hands
of the hailene offensive and their devastating Dragon Slayer
living ships.
victory was almost assured – save for the intervention
of Dey. For a decade, the hailene had systematically enslaved
or exterminated the goblin race – favored of the goddess
of duty. On 4WtR, 3032CA, the last goblin died in captivity
over the Sea of Thespis. Dey’s retribution was swift,
smashing Illium to pieces with a surge of force from on
high, generating a tsunami that crippled both the hailene
and Alliance fleets and ended the War of Ascension in one
Age of
Tragedies / Western Wars (3032CA – 3896CA)
The chaos in the wake of the war was almost total. The eastern
regions of the Vishnari Empire had been under hailene occupation
for fifteen years in some places and the newly freed citizens
had all but forgotten how things had been before hailene
cruelty. Crops had withered, fields had fallen fallow and
whole villages had been reclaimed by the wild. No sign of
the original governing body could be found. Even in the
relatively untouched regions to the west, the war had broken
down much of the unity built up during the Vishnari era.
across the mainland, separatists began to tear apart the
remnants of the old empire, forming countries of their own.
Callen, Chordin, Novrom and Rizen all came into being fairly
quickly following the demise of the empire. Elsewhere, the
transitions weren’t so smooth or long lasting. In
Genmide, the minotaur refuges were driven from their temporary
homes in the mountains by coalitions of dwarves and humans,
who in turn turned on one another. Three centuries of mage-kings
in Minde Forme was washed away in a revolution that ultimately
could not govern effectively.
were left homeless to die in the wilderness or in the city
streets of sickness. Old allegiances, such as those between
the sylvan races and demi-humanity fell away and even the
elves of Vini Tresolm suffered a schism. Eventually, Calderia,
the Great Green Expanse, and Vini Tresolm would declare
their own nationhood. Finally, a peace accord, signed in
3472CA, solidified national borders, though this did nothing
to quell the civil war in Minde Forme, or the growing aggression
of the Calderians.
their declaration of sovereignty, the Calderians began dispatching
raiders into Callen, Te’ran and Rizen to take slaves
and commodities. More brazenly, they moved to take land
along the Calleni border. Skirmishes along the borders became
an almost constant fact of life in the west. The centuries
of conflict became known as the Western Wars.
The Ashing
of the Green (3897CA – 3901CA)
In 3897CA, slaves from Rizen provided the arcane magic hating
Calderians with a way to invade the much hated land of the
Great Green Expanse. Calderian soldiers and dos demane undead
teleported into the great forest by the hundreds, cutting
down and putting to the torch every living thing.
were fouled, however, by the guerilla tactics and difficult
terrain the races of the green utilized. Both Sylph and
Dey returned to walk among the people to rally them to battle.
With the powers of two goddesses brought to bear against
them, the Calderians were forced to commit to a losing war
of attrition.
the Regents of Calderia had one last card to lay down. Rumored
to be an artifact scavenged from the hailene war, the device
unleashed a vicious stroke of energies beyond description
as mere magic. The devastation obliterated the Green Expanse,
corrupting and turning to ash every living thing, friend
or foe. Over the course of a single night, where the sky
all over Ere shone white and the moons could not be seen,
one hundred thousand sentient lives were lost.
the sun rose, Calderia’s army was gone and in the
place of the Great Green Expanse, was a new, alien landscape,
dry and unforgiving, pulsing with the malicious power unleashed
by the regents: The Ashed Lands. The ruins of at least twenty
villages and cities dotted the landscape.
The horror of the event struck the world hard. Even Calderia
recoiled from what had happened that day.
(3901CA – Present)
The current year is 4428CA, nearly 4,500 years since Saints
Landing and 527 years after the terrible events of the Ashing
of the Green. The following are important dates and events
of our recent history:
3913CA – Callen, Chordin and Te’ran
sign the Ashed Lands accord, specifying that the Ashed Lands
are neutral territory and have no ruler.
4018CA – Minde Forme officially returns
the Isle of Illium to the hailene as a good faith measure.
Still, more than sixteen thousand hailene live in the wilds
of Callen, Te’ran and Taunuan in tribal societies.
4101CA – The temples are Spinar,
destroyed in the Ashing of the Green re-dedicated.
4157CA – Novrom declares itself new
homeland of the Miare and grants all Miare citizenship.
4223CA – Border wars between Callen
and Calderia start again.
4316CA – The Isle of Nyce begins
limited trade with the mainland, providing exotic magic
components, animal hides and ore. No mainlanders are permitted
on Nyce even now.
4342CA – The city Durkarr discovered
in the Tresolmi desert, providing proof of a civilization
predating Saint’s Landing.
4373CA – The Novrom Adventuring and
Excavation Company (Founded 3717) changes its name to Historical
Society of Kinos.
– Discovery of the second per-Saint’s Landing
city, Vaiackuria.