of the Beguiler
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Charisma
checks and checks on check related skills. The target
also treats its Charisma score as if it were subject
to a +4 enhancement bonus for the purposes of starting
Component: A drop of cherry or vanilla extract.
to top]
of the Brute
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Strength
checks and checks on related skills. The target also
treats its Strength score as if it were subject to a
+4 enhancement bonus for the purposes of carrying capacity.
Material Component: A piece of steak and a
bit of potato
to top]
of the Dancer
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Dexterity
checks, checks on related skills, and initiative.
Component: A vial of sugar water
to top]
of the Elder
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Wisdom checks
and checks on related skills.
Component: A slice of uncooked carrot
to top]
of the Scholar
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Intelligence
checks and checks on related skills.
Component: A bit of fish
to top]
of the Survivor
Brd 1, Clr 1, Drd 1, Ibn 1, Inv 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
target gains a +2 enhancement bonus to all Constitution
checks and checks on related skills. The target also
treats its Constitution score as if it were subject
to a +4 enhancement bonus for the purposes of how long
they can hold their breath, run or any other endurance
related activity.
Component: A chunk of iron in the shape of a man
to top]
Brd 0, Ibn 0, Wiz/Sor 0
Components: --
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: An aura of power that surrounds
the caster
Duration: 1rnd/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
exude a visible aura the color and relative shape of
your choosing that clings close to your body and makes
you more imposing. You gain a +2 to intimidate checks.
to top]
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single negative emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
The target sees everything around him as threatening
and overwhelming. The affected creatures become panicked.
If cornered, a panicked creature begins cowering.
Grief and hopelessness wash over the targets. Each affected
creature takes a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls,
saving throws, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon
damage rolls.
The affected creatures react more negatively toward
others. Their attitude shifts to unfriendly. If they
are already unfriendly, they become hostile.
to top]
Pathos, Major
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single negative emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
The fear you instill in the targets is too much for
their mind to take. The affected creatures become paralyzed
with fear.
Each affected creature becomes nauseated by their overwhelming
The affected creatures automatically attack the nearest
to top]
Pathos, Minor
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single negative emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
You instill a healthy dose of fear within the target.
The affected creatures become frightened.
The affected creatures become distracted by unhappy
thoughts, in this state, the creatures take a -1 morale
penalty on attack rolls, and skill checks.
The affected creatures react more negatively toward
others. Their attitude shifts to the next less favorable
reaction (helpful to friendly, friendly to indifferent,
indifferent to unfriendly, or unfriendly to hostile).
to top]
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 3, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single positive emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
You instill a sense of bravery in the affected creatures,
granting them a +4 morale bonus against fear effects
and compulsions. If a subject is under the influence
of a fear effect when receiving the spell, that effect
is ended.
You fill the target with a sense of wellbeing and self
confidence. Each affected creature gains a +2 morale
bonus on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks,
skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
The affected creatures react more positively toward
others. Their attitude shifts to friendly unless they
are in combat. If they are already friendly, they become
to top]
Pathos, Major
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 5, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single positive emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
You instill a sense of supreme bravery in the affected
creatures, rendering them immune to fear effects and
compulsions. If a subject is under the influence of
a fear effect when receiving the spell, that effect
is ended.
The enchanted creatures gain a +4 morale bonus to saving
throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks,
and weapon damage rolls as their current course of action
gives them immense, almost sexual pleasure.
The affected creatures react more positively toward
others. Their attitude shifts to friendly unless they
are in combat, in which case, they stop fighting, and
become indifferent.. If they are already friendly, they
become helpful. Any character that is already helpful
toward the character becomes devoted to the character
in a platonic or romantic way as determined by previous
to top]
Pathos, Minor
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-affecting]
Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Targets: One or more living creatures
within a 15ft. radius
Duration: Concentration
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
spell arouses a single positive emotion of the character's
choice in the subjects. The character can choose any
one of the following versions:
You instill a sense of bravery in the affected creatures,
granting them a +4 morale bonus against fear effects.
The affected creatures become bolstered with feelings
of joy and peace, in this state, the creatures gain
a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, and skill checks.
The affected creatures react more positively toward
others. Their attitude shifts to the next more favorable
reaction (hostile to unfriendly, unfriendly to indifferent,
indifferent to friendly, or friendly to helpful). Creatures
involved in combat, however, continue to fight back
to top]
Evocation [Darkness]
Brd 2, Clr 3, Inv3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, M/DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Area: 20ft sphere
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
spell causes a 20ft sphere of perfect darkness to spring
into being. Any creatures or objects within are effectively
blind and invisible while within this sphere.
lights (torches, candles, lanterns, and so forth) are
incapable of brightening the area, as are light spells
of lower level. Higher level light spells are not affected
by darkness.
counters or dispels any light spell of equal or lower
spell level.
Component: A bit of bat fur and a drop of pitch.
to top]
Ibn 3, Inv 3, Sor/Wiz 3, Travel 3 (replaces Fly)
Components: V, S, F/DF
Casting Time:1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance:Yes (harmless)
subject can fly at a speed equal to their base speed
+10. It can ascend at half speed and descend at double
speed, and its maneuverability is good. The target can
charge and run, but it cannot carry aloft more weight
than its heavy load.
Focus: A wing from any bird or bat.
to top]
Evocation [Fire]
Clr 0, Ibn 0, Inv 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch (see text)
Target: Object touched
Effect: a weak flame, capable of igniting
flammable material.
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
touch a non-magical object, infusing it with a tiny
amount of evocation magic. On command, a tiny flame
bursts into existance, dealing 1 fire damage to the
object and potentially setting the object on fire if
it is flammable.
can command the flame to ignite at any time during the
spell's duration as long as you are within 100 feet
of the item (although you do not need line of sight
with the spell).
a creature is holding or wearing the effected item when
you command the flame to ignite, they may make a reflex
save to keep the object from catching fire.
to top]
Brd 1, Ibn 1
Components: S, V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft +5ft/2 caster levels)
Target: One creature
Effect: Ray: A bolt of darkness
that damages targets and disrupts constructs and undead.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None (See text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
fire a pulsing bolt of darkness at the target. If you
hit the target with a ranged touch attack, Dark Forces
deals 1d6+1 damage to the target. If the target is a
construct or undead, it takes double damage and must
make a fort save or become dazed.
to top]
Ibn 4, Inv 4
Components: S, V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 50ft
Effect: 50ft line
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
bloom of shadowy force forms before you and races forward.
Creatures and objects along this line must save or be
pushed the length of the line. Four legged creatures
gain a +2 to this save and creature and objects of Huge
size or greater gain a +4 bonus to this save for each
size category above Large. This effect counts as a bullrush.
effected creatures or objects contact an immobile object,
they and the object take damage equal to 10d6 minus
1d6/10ft already pushed and stop moving.
to top]
Devotion 4
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Effect: 20-ft.-radius burst
Duration: Instantaneous (1 round);
see text
Saving Throw: Will partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
You draw
down holy power to smite your enemies. Only enemies
and recusants of your faith are harmed by the spell;
other creatures are unaffected.
The spell
deals 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum
5d8) to each enemy of your faith in the area and causes
it to become staggered for 1 round. A successful Will
saving throw reduces damage to half and negates the
blinded effect.
spell deals only staggers recusants of your faith. Such
a creature can negate this effect with a successful
Will save.
to top]
Clr 5, Devotion 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: You and an enchantment or spell
cast by an enemy of your faith on a touched creature
or object
Duration: 1 round/level or until discharged,
whichever comes first
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
white, holy energy surrounds you. This power has two
you gain a +4 deflection bonus to AC against attacks
by enemies and recusants of your faith.
with a touch you can automatically dispel any one enchantment
spell cast by an enemy of your faith. Exception: Spells
that can’t be dispelled by dispel magic also can’t
be dispelled by deny heresy. Saving throws and spell
resistance do not apply to this effect. This use discharges
and ends the spell.
to top]
Clr 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Effect: Cone-shaped emanation
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 min./
level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
You can sense the presence of divine devotion or spells
cast by devoted beings. The amount of information revealed
depends on how long you study a particular area or subject.
Presence or absence of strong devotion to a faith.
Number of creatures in the area that have strong devotion
to their faith.
The object of each creature’s devotion.
round, you can turn to detect devotion in a new area.
The spell can penetrate barriers, but 1 foot of stone,
1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet
of wood or dirt blocks it.
to top]
Clr 1, Devotion 1
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No; see text
spell wards a creature from attacks by enemies and recusants
of your faith, from mental control, and from summoned
creatures summoned by enemies and recusants of your
faith. It creates a magical barrier around the subject
at a distance of 1 foot. The barrier moves with the
subject and has three major effects.
the subject gains a +2 deflection bonus to AC and a
+2 resistance bonus on saves. Both these bonuses apply
against attacks made or effects created by enemies and
recusants of your faith.
the barrier blocks any attempt to possess the warded
creature (by a magic jar attack, for example) or to
exercise mental control over the creature (including
enchantment (charm) effects and enchantment (compulsion)
effects that grant the caster ongoing control over the
subject, such as dominate person). The protection does
not prevent such effects from targeting the protected
creature, but it suppresses the effect for the duration
of the divine protection effect. If the divine protection
effect ends before the effect granting mental control
does, the would-be controller would then be able to
mentally command the controlled creature. Likewise,
the barrier keeps out a possessing life force but does
not expel one if it is in place before the spell is
the spell prevents bodily contact by summoned creatures.
This causes the natural weapon attacks of such creatures
to fail and the creatures to recoil if such attacks
require touching the warded creature. creatures summoned
by an ally of your faith are immune to this effect.
The protection against contact by summoned creatures
ends if the warded creature makes an attack against
or tries to force the barrier against the blocked creature.
Spell resistance can allow a creature to overcome this
protection and touch the warded creature.
to top]
Illusion [Shadow]
Brd 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: S, V, M (See text)
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: 0ft.
Effect: An illusory humanoid called
a facsimile
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
bring into being a sexless humanoid of average human
height and weight that is unswervingly loyal to you.
The creature has the statistics listed below.
speak and understand all languages their creators speak.
the caster's option, the facsimile can be a dedicated
copy of a humanoid or monstrous humanoid. When using
this option, the caster must use part of that creature
(hair, nails, blood, etc) as a material component when
casting the spell. When using this option, the facsimile
loses its Alter Shape ability and is created in the
form of the creature and gains instead a +20 bonus to
disguise checks to impersonate that creature
slain facsimile sublimates into black smoke, leaving
only the clothes and gear it was wearing. Facsimiles
die on their own after seven days.
CR ½
Medium Construct
Initiative: +0; Senses:
Spot +0, Listen +0
Languages: Common
AC 10 (10 +0 Dex), touch 10, flat-footed
HP 6 (1 HD)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will
Speed 30 ft.
Melee: Unarmed Strike +0 Melee (1d3+0
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/+0
Class Features: --
Abilities Str 10, Dex 10, Con --, Int
10, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ: Shadowed Mind, Alter Shape, Master’s
Feats Run
Skills Climb +4, Jump +4
Mind (Ex): As creatures of illusion, Facsimiles
are immune to Mind-effecting spells.
Shape(Ex): Facsimiles can change the shape
for their body to take on the characteristics of other
creatures. This ability functions as the disguise self
spell, but effects only the facsimile, not its clothing
or gear. This is a non-magical, physical change and
as such is not subject to detection by means such as
arcane sight or true seeing.
Skill (Ex): A facsimile gains a racial bonus
to Diplomacy, Bluff and Intimidate equal to its creator’s
ranks in those skills.
to top]
Conjuration [Force]
Inv 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: Immediate action
Range: Personal
Effect: A screen of force that blocks
Duration: 1 round (see text)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
shroud yourself in a cocoon of force that absorbs damage
dealt to you. While the cocoon is active, you take no
damage from attacks or spells. However, once the cocoon
absorbs a single attack that would normally deal damage,
it collapses and the spell ends.
spell also protects you from non-damaging spells, granting
you spell resistance equal to your level plus 10 (max
25). If a spellcaster overcomes this spell resistance,
the shield collapses and the spell ends.
the spell is active, you cannot cast spells or move
more than 10ft each round.
Component: A glass marble, which shatters when
the spell ends.
to top]
Conjuration [Light]
Brd 2
Components: F, V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: A conjured bow that fires arrows
of light
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (See text)
call into being a bow made of brilliant light (sheds
light as a light spell). This bow is treated as a +1
short bow, but cannot be disarmed or sundered. The bow
generates arrows of light whenever the caster pulls
back the bow string, allowing the caster to make attacks
as normal without using ammunition.
of light are treated like normal projectiles except
conditions caused by wind do not hinder or impose penalties
on attacks with them. If the arrows strike a creature
with spell resistance, they must overcome that spell
resistance or they deal no damage.
Focus: A clear quartz crystal spindle worth 250gp
to top]
bow, Dire
Conjuration [Light]
Brd 5
Components: F, V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: A more powerful conjured bow
of light that fires arrows of light
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: yes (See text)
Fell-light Bow, except the conjured bow is treated as
a +4 short bow and generates light as the daylight spell.
focus: A diamond spindle worth 2,000gp
to top]
Conjuration (Force)
Brd 0, Clr 0, Ibn 0, Inv 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10ft
Effect: A small, sharp blade of force
that responds to your commands.
Duration:1 minute/ 2 levels
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
the duration of this spell, you command a very sharp,
invisible force that responds to your command. This
force can easily cut cloth, paper, or other materials
easily cut with a household kitchen knife.
other targets, including creatures, this force can deal
one slashing damage on a successful ranged touch attack.
The nature of the formless knife prevents its use in
conjunction with precision based damage effects, such
as sneak attack.
to top]
Conjuration [Force]
Clr 4, Inv 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: Immediate action
Area: 10ft sphere.
Effect: A screen of force that blocks
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
surround an area with a sphere of force that absorbs
damage dealt to all creatures within. While the spell
is active, all creatures within the sphere take no damage
from attacks or spells and no creatures can enter the
sphere. Creatures can leave the sphere normally, but
cannot return.
cannot make melee or ranged attacks out of the sphere,
but they can cast spells out of it. If they do, their
foes are treated as having spell resistance equal to
your caster level plus 10 (max 30) or their own spell
resistance, which ever is greater.
time a creature within the spell is the target of an
attack or the area of an area of effect spell that deals
damage overlaps the area the sphere occupies, the caster
must make a Concentration check equal to the damage
dealt, or the shield collapses and the spell ends.
creatures within the sphere are considered to have spell
resistance equal to your level plus 10 (max 30). If
a spellcaster overcomes this spell resistance, the shield
collapses and the spell ends. Gaze attacks, or spells
with the [Light] descriptor ignore this spell resistance
and can pass through the shield normally.
shield itself is immune to most attacks, but a disintegrate
spell, rod of cancellation, or sphere of annihilation
destroy it instantly.
this spell is active, you cannot cast spells or move
more than 10ft each round. If you leave the sphere,
the shield collapses and the spell ends.
Component: A glass globe worth 100gp, which shatters
when the spell ends.
to top]
Conjuration [Force]
Brd 6, Wiz\Sor 6
Components: S
Range: close (30ft+5/caster level)
Casting time:1 action
Effect: A sphere of arcane energy, 1ft in diameter
Target: see text
Duration:1 rd\level
Saving throw:see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
call into being a sphere of force that can either attack
or defend.
mode: The hex ball moves to a creature you point
to and begins ramming them (the hex ball moves at 60ft/round).
The Ball has an attack bonus equal the the caster's
level and an additional attack at a -5 penalty/extra
attack for every 5 points of attack bonus. A successful
hit by the hex ball deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage and
and additional 1d4 +1/caster level(max 15) damage.
mode: The Hex ball orbits a creature, granting
a 20% miss chance and a +1 to AC/ 3 caster levels.
the target or mode of a Hex ball is a full round action
that provokes and attack or opportunity.
Hex balls within 60ft of each other attack and destroy
each other on their caster's next action.
to top]
Conjuration [Water]
Clr 2, Ibn 2, Inv 2
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: close (25ft+5 / 2 levels)
Effect: A continuous line of flying
chunks of ice
Duration: 1rnd/level
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
conjure a howling vortex that disgorges javelins of
ice in a continuous stream. The icy missiles fly from
the vortex out to range. Any creature within or passing
through the line of effect must save or take 1d6 cold
damage +1damage/caster level (max. +10) cold damage
and 1d6 bludgeoning damage +1damage/caster level (max.
+10) from being pummeled by the chunks of ice.
component: a drop of water flicked from your fingertips.
to top]
Illusion (Phantasm)[Mind-effecting]
Brd 1, Ibn 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Medium (100ft+10ft/caster
Effect: A visual figment that cannot
extend beyond one ten foot cube, plus one ten foot
cube per caster level.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1round/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will disbelief (if
interacted with)
Spell Resistance: No
spell creates the visual illusion of an object, creature,
or force, as visualized by you. This illusion can
only be seen by the target. The illusion does not
create sound, smell, texture, or temperature. You
can move the image within the limits of the size of
the effect by concentrating. If you fail a concentration
check while doing so, the spell ends.
to top]
Arts, Greater
Illusion (Phantasm)[Mind-effecting]
Brd 2, Ibn 2, Sor/Wiz 3
illusion arts, except sound, smell, texture,
or temperature are included in the spell effect.
to top]
Arts. Superior
Illusion (Phantasm)[Mind-effecting]
Brd 4, Ibn 4, Sorc/Wiz 5
Target: One creature/ 2 caster levels
illusion arts, greater, except as noted above.
to top]
Illusion [Shadow]
Brd 1, Ibn 1, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: 5ft (see text)
Effect: A partially real illusory
Duration: Permanent (see text)
Saving Throw: --
Spell Resistance: --
call into being a object that appears in your hand
or within 5 feet of you. The object’s volume
can be no more than 1 cubic foot/caster level. This
object is made of shadow and is only partially real.
A spot check with a DC equal to 15 + caster level
reveals its nature as a fraud, as does an appraise
check DC 10.
created object is also very fragile, capable of only
supporting 10lb/caster level before it is destroyed
and evaporates into the ether. A successful attack
on the object instantly destroys it. A successful
dispel check also destroys an illusory object.
created with this spell can be consumed without destroying
it and tastes normal, but is non-nourishing.
to top]
Object, Mass
Illusion [Shadow]
Brd 4, Ibn 4, Sor/Wiz 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: 60ft
Effect: A number of illusory objects
Duration: Permanent (see text)
Saving Throw: --
Spell Resistance: --
illusory object, except you can create any
number of objects with a total volume of 5 cubic feet/caster
level. These objects appear in your hand or within
60ft of you.
to top]
Ibn 1, Wiz/Sor 2
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Objects weighing no more than
1 pound of material +1 pound / 2 levels
Duration: 5 rounds (D)
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
imbue any number of solid, non-magical objects, all
of which must be in physical contact with each other,
with immense magical energies. Once imbued, the object
will explode at the end of the spell's duration or until
thrown at a target, dealing 1d4 damage/2 caster levels
to everything in a 5ft radius. Every pound of material
used beyond the first increases the radius by 5ft. Damage
dealt from multiple objects charged in this way is divided
evenly among each object.
spell can be used to effect parts of a whole. If it
is used in this way, the damage ignores hardness.
to top]
Brd 0, Clr 0, Ibn 0, Inv 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Two unattended objects touched
Effect: A strong bonding force that
sticks two objects together.
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
two objects together, you bond them together magically.
This bond holds the two objects together like glue.
It takes a Strength check (DC = 10 + caster level)
to separate the objects.
component: A pinch of powdered hoof
to top]
Circle against Heretics
Clr 3, Devotion 3
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Effect: 10-ft.-radius emanation from
touched creature
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No; see text
creatures within the area gain the effects of a divine
protection, and no creatures summoned by enemies of
your faith can enter the area either. You must overcome
a creature’s spell resistance in order to keep
it at bay (as in the third function of divine protection),
but the deflection and resistance bonuses and the
protection from mental control apply regardless of
enemies’ spell resistance.
spell has an alternative version that you may choose
when casting it. A magic circle against heretics can
be focused inward rather than outward. When focused
inward, the spell binds a called creature(such as
those called by the lesser planar binding, planar
binding, and greater planar binding spells) for a
maximum of 24 hours per caster level, provided that
you cast the spell that calls the creature within
1 round of casting the magic circle. The creature
cannot cross the circle’s boundaries. If a creature
too large to fit into the spell’s area is the
subject of the spell, the spell acts as a normal divine
protection spell for that creature only.
magic circle leaves much to be desired as a trap.
If the circle of powdered silver laid down in the
process of spellcasting is broken, the effect immediately
ends. The trapped creature can do nothing that disturbs
the circle, directly or indirectly, but other creatures
can. If the called creature has spell resistance,
it can test the trap once a day. If you fail to overcome
its spell resistance, the creature breaks free, destroying
the circle. A creature capable of any form of dimensional
travel (astral projection, blink, dimension door,
etherealness, gate, plane shift, shadow walk, teleport,
and similar abilities) can simply leave the circle
through that means. You can prevent the creature’s
extradimensional escape by casting a dimensional anchor
spell on it, but you must cast the spell before the
creature acts. If you are successful, the anchor effect
lasts as long as the magic circle does. The creature
cannot reach across the magic circle, but its ranged
attacks (ranged weapons, spells, magical abilities,
and the like) can. The creature can attack any target
it can reach with its ranged attacks except for the
circle itself.
can add a special diagram (a two-dimensional bounded
figure with no gaps along its circumference, augmented
with various magical sigils) to make the magic circle
more secure. Drawing the diagram by hand takes 10
minutes and requires a DC 20 Spellcraft check. You
do not know the result of this check. If the check
fails, the diagram is ineffective. You can take 10
when drawing the diagram if you are under no particular
time pressure to complete the task. This task also
takes 10 full minutes. If time is no factor at all,
and you devote 3 hours and 20 minutes to the task,
you can take 20.
successful diagram allows you to cast a dimensional
anchor spell on the magic circle during the round
before casting any summoning spell. The anchor holds
any called creatures in the magic circle for 24 hours
per caster level. A creature cannot use its spell
resistance against a magic circle prepared with a
diagram, and none of its abilities or attacks can
cross the diagram. If the creature tries a Charisma
check to break free of the trap (see the lesser planar
binding spell), the DC increases by 5. The creature
is immediately released if anything disturbs the diagram—even
a straw laid across it. However, the creature itself
cannot disturb the diagram either directly or indirectly,
as noted above.
spell is not cumulative with divine protection
and vice versa.
to top]
Brd 1, Ibn 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: S, V
Casting Time: 1 action
Target: Object touched weighting
no more than 1lb/level
Effect: The target begins moving
in a specific way.
Duration:1 minute/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
touch an object, causing it to move in one and only
one of the following ways:
The object rotates around a part of itself of your
choosing. This can be used to make a wheel roll, or
a gear spin.
The object moves back and forth along a line of your
choosing. This can be used to make a door open and
close, a saw cut, or a rope sway.
The object provides an opposite motion of a force
applied to it. This can make a door stick, a wheel
lock, or a lever fail to move.
object can exert force as if it had a strength equal
to 5 + 1/caster level (max 20)
to top]
Illusion (Shadow) [Mind-effecting]
Brd 6, Ibn 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 round
Range: 30ft.
Target: 1 creature per 4 caster levels
Effect: An imaginary world of madness
where all spells and abilities appear augmented
Duration: 1 round / 4 caster levels;
see text
Saving Throw: Will negates (See text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
transport the targets, plus yourself and up to 1 ally
per 5 caster levels to a nightmarish mockery of the
real world. All creatures effected are considered
to be 'in the nightmare' and can interact with each
other normally except for the following:
damage dealt or received from all sources within
the nightmare is converted to non-lethal damage,
creatures immune to non-lethal damage have this
damage converted to lethal damage instead. Non-lethal
damage incurred remains when the spell ends. If
a creature is rendered unconscious, they die as
if by a fear effect.
Mundane Items expended while in the nightmare are
not expended when the effects ends.
Spells with duration longer than duration of the
spell, cast while within the nightmare end when
the spell does.
The time spent in the nightmare does not count against
the duration of ongoing spells that were cast outside
the effect.
All spells slots, PP and daily uses or charges of
abilities and magic items expended during the time
spent in the nightmare count as if actually used.
All characters affected appear in the positions
they were before the effect took place when the
effect ends.
All spells cast within the nightmare suffer a 20%
-1%/caster level chance of failure.
spells cast by the caster are treated as Silenced,
Stilled, Empowered, Enlarged and Widened at no additional
increase in spell level when used against the targets
of this spell while in the nightmare.
all targets make their initial will saving throw,
the spell fails entirely.
duration of the effect occurs over the course of a
single round of real time, though the duration passes
for all those creatures in the nightmare. To all unaffected
creatures witnessing this spell it seems that none
of the subjects or the caster move.
Arcane Focus: A chunk of amethyst worth 500gp.
to top]
Perfect Storm
Conjuration [Air]
Drd 9
Components: V,S,M
Area: 100ft/caster level
Duration: 1 rd/caster level (concentration)
Casting Time: Full round Action
Saving Throw: (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
invoke the wrath of nature to strike at a vast area
centered on yourself (you are immune to all effects
of this spell). Each round, you may use any of the following:
You may call down on lightning bolt/ round (1d10/caster
level max 15)
A tornado touches down and lasts as long as you continue
to devote your next action to concentrating on this
Hail falls, dealing 5d6 cold and 5d6 bludgeoning damage
to all creatures and objects in the area. The Bludgeoning
damage ignores 5 points of hardness.
Freezing winds blows, dealing 5d10 damage to all creatures
in the area and subjecting them to the exposure rules
for as long as you devote your next action concentrating
on this effect.
Deluge: a 30ft cylinder fills with water and begins
to expand 30ft for each round you concentrate on this
effect. Creatures in the area of this effect must
make a swim check (DC 25) or immediately begin drowning)
Thunderclap 5d6 sonic damage to all creatures in the
area, reflex or fall prone.
must concentrate each round with a DC equal to the spell's
save, +2/round.
component: a crystal wind chime worth 5000 gp
to top]
Ibn 1, Sor/Wiz 1
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Object up to tiny size touched
Effect: Ability to transform one small
object into another.
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Fort negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
an object, you change it from one object to another
of its size. The new object can be no bigger than the
original and of no greater value than the original.
example: You can transform a rock into a feather, a
gold coin into a silver one, or a glass marble into
a piece of paper.
to top]
Critical Wounds
Ibn 4
Components: M,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
As Rejuvenate Minor Wounds, except 4d6+1 damage/ caster
level (max 20) of the damage the target has taken is
converted to non-lethal damage.
component: a sugar cube swallowed during casting.
Light wounds
Ibn 1
Components: M,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
As Rejuvenate Minor Wounds, except 1d6+1 damage/ caster
level (max 5) of the damage the target has taken is
converted to non-lethal damage.
component: a sugar cube swallowed during casting.
Minor Wounds
Ibn 0
Components: M,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
Placing your hand on the target, you force the target's
metabolism to accelerate, closing wounds, but not healing
1 damage of the damage the target has taken is converted
to non-lethal damage.
immune to non-lethal damage cannot be healed with rejuvenate
light wounds.
component: a sugar cube swallowed during casting.
Moderate Wounds
Ibn 2
Components: M,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
As Rejuvenate Minor Wounds, except 2d6+1 damage/ caster
level (max 10) of the damage the target has taken is
converted to non-lethal damage.
component: a sugar cube swallowed during casting.
Serious Wounds
Ibn 3
Components: M,S
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Save: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: No
As Rejuvenate Minor Wounds, except 3d6+1 damage/ caster
level (max 15) of the damage the target has taken is
converted to non-lethal damage.
component: a sugar cube swallowed during casting.
to top]
Clr 8, Devotion 8
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 20 ft
Target(s): One creature/level in
a 20-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
brilliant divine radiance surrounds the subjects,
protecting them from attacks, granting them resistance
to spells cast by enemies or recusants of your faith,
and causing such creatures to become blinded when
they strike the subjects. This abjuration has four
each warded creature gains a +4 deflection bonus to
AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saves. Unlike divine
protection, this benefit applies against all
attacks, not just against attacks by enemies and recusants
of your faith.
each warded creature gains spell resistance 25 against
spells cast by enemies and recusants of your faith.
the abjuration blocks possession and mental influence,
just as divine protection does.
if an enemy or recusant of your faith succeeds on
a melee attack against a warded creature, the offending
attacker is blinded (Fortitude save negates, as blindness/deafness,
but against divine presence’s save DC).
A tiny reliquary containing some sacred relic. The
reliquary costs at least 500 gp.
to top]
Brd 1, Ibn 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Effect: The ability to transform
minor aspects of oneself
Duration: 1 minute/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
cast, this spell allows you to perform minor changes
to your appearance as a free action.
under the effects of this spell, as a free action, you
may change the following; your height by up to three
feet taller or shorter, coloration and texture of skin,
eyes, hair, nails, teeth, etc, you weight by up to one
hundred pounds thinner or fatter.
to top]
Evocation [Sonic]
Clr 7, Devotion 7
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 40 ft.
Effect: Enemies and recusants of
your faith in a 40-ft.-radius spread centered on you
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None or Will negates;
see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
enemy or recusant of your faith within the area that
hears the sacred speech of your faith suffers the
following ill effects.
Effect |
to caster level |
Deafened |
Up to caster level -1
Blinded, deafened |
to caster level -5 |
blinded, deafened |
Up to caster level -10 |
paralyzed, blinded, deafened |
effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw
is allowed against these effects.
The creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds.
The creature is blinded for 2d4 rounds.
The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 minutes.
Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
Furthermore, if you
are on your home plane when you cast this spell, extraplanar
creatures they you do not consider to be allies within
the area are instantly banished back to their home
planes. Creatures so banished cannot return for at
least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless
of whether the creatures hear the sacred speech. The
banishment effect allows a Will save (at a -4 penalty)
to negate.
whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by
sacred speech.
to top]
Clr 5, Drd 5
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 24 hours
Range: Touch
Area: 40-ft. radius emanating from
the touched point
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text
site makes a particular site, building, or structure
a holy site. This has three major effects.
First, the site or structure
is guarded by a magic circle against heretics effect.
Second, any dead body
interred in a hallowed site cannot be effected by
an spell that targets corpses such as speak with dead
or animate dead.
Finally, you may choose
to fix a single spell effect to the sanctified site.
The spell effect lasts for one year and functions
throughout the entire site, regardless of the normal
duration and area or effect. You may designate whether
the effect applies to all creatures, creatures who
share your faith, or creatures who adhere to another
faith. At the end of the year, the chosen effect lapses,
but it can be renewed or replaced simply by casting
sanctify site again.
Spell effects that may
be tied to a sanctified site include aid, bane, bless,
cause fear, darkness, daylight, death ward, deeper
darkness, detect devotion, detect magic, dimensional
anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements,
freedom of movement, invisibility purge, protection
from energy, remove fear, resist energy, silence,
tongues, and zone of truth. Saving throws and spell
resistance might apply to these spells’ effects.
(See the individual spell descriptions for details.)
area can receive only one sanctify site spell (and
its associated spell effect) at a time.
Component: Herbs, oils, and incense worth at
least 1,000 gp, plus 1,000 gp per level of the spell
to be included in the sanctified area.
to top]
Transmutation [Shape
Ibn 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Effect: The ability to transform
minor aspects of oneself and take the shape of other
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
cast, this spell allows you to take the form of any
creature of your type or any animal you have encountered
in game as a full round action. You cannot take a form
that has the swarm subtype. The new form cannot have
an ECL greater than your own +2. You can take forms
up to one size category larger or smaller than your
natural size.
spell also grants the effects of shapeshifting I.
to top]
Transmutation [Shape
Ibn 4, Sor/Wiz 4
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Effect: The ability to transform minor
aspects of oneself and take the shape of other creatures.
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No As
shapeshifting II, but you may now assume the
form of any corporeal creature you have encountered
in game. You cannot take a form that has the swarm subtype.
The new form cannot have an ECL greater than your own
+2. You can take forms up to two size categories larger
or smaller than your natural size.
you can take the form of any inanimate object of your
size. Treat this effect as taking the form of an animate
object your size.
to top]
Transmutation [Shape
Ibn 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Self
Effect: The ability to transform aspects
of oneself and take the shape of other creatures.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No
shapeshifting III, except the new form cannot
have an ECL greater than your own +4. You can take forms
up to three size categories later or smaller than your
natural size.
you can take the form of any inanimate object of up
to one size category larger or smaller than yourself.
Treat this effect as taking the form of an animate object
of that size.
to top]
Transmutation [Shape
Ibn 8, Sor/Wiz 8
Components: S
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Range: Self
Effect: The ability to transform aspects
of oneself and take the shape of other creatures.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: No As
shapeshifting IV, but you are no longer limited by size.
You can also change forms as a free action.
to top]
Brd 1
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Effect: A weapon imbued with your inner resolve
Target: Melee weapon touched
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: None
single melee weapon you wield begins to hum gently.
Attacks with the effected weapon add Charisma to attack
and damage instead of Strength.
you drop the weapon, or otherwise lose contact with
it, the spell ends.
to top]
Transmutation [Earth]
Drd 6
Components: V,S
Range: Personal
Effect: Stone spikes, which erupt from the
Area: 10ft/3 levels
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting time: 1 round
Save: reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
or punching the ground, you cause it to erupt with twenty
foot tall stone spikes. These spike randomly fill the
area, filling five foot squares, with at least five
feet between any two spikes. All creatures besides yourself
in the area must make a reflex save or be impaled by
the spikes, suffering 1d8 damage. Creatures who fail
their save must them make a climb check DC 25 or fall
20 feet.
spikes remain in place permanently, requiring a DC 20
climb check to climb.
can only use this spell while standing on natural ground
or worked stone.
Ibn 3, Inv 3, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: S, V, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium: 100 feet + 10 feet /
caster level.
Effect: A line of rending energy formed
of the caster’s own vitality
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes
a maddening wail, you cast part of your own vitality
to harm your enemies. Creatures must save or take 1d10
damage/caster level (max. 20d10). You take half that
amount of damage as non-lethal damage. No effect can lessen
the amount of damage you take.
Components: A drop of the caster's blood
to top]
Conjuration (Creation)
Drd 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One 30ft tall tree
Duration: Instantaneous (See text)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
an acorn, you cause a tree to erupt from the ground.
All creatures within 30ft center point of the growing
tree must make a reflex save or end the round suspended
30ft in the tree's branches.
spell can only be targeted at a square that contains
natural ground.
component: an acorn dusted with soil.
Conjuration (Creation)
Drd 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One 30ft tall tree
Duration: Instantaneous (See text)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates, Will (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
Tree, except this spell produces a twisted, hideous
tree that bears black, poisonous fruit and exudes a
miasma that frightens creatures.
creature coming within 30ft of a black tree must make
a Will save to avoid fleeing in the opposite direction
for 2d6 rounds. This is a [Mind Effecting] effect.
Fruit of a black tree deals 1 Con damage if consumed.
A newly cast Black Tree has 1d6+2 fruits. These fruits
grow back a year and a day after they are picked and
the fruit itself lasts 1 day/caster level before losing
its magical power once picked.
component: an acorn dusted in 100gp worth of black
opal dust.
Conjuration (Creation)
Drd 7
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One 30ft tall tree
Duration: Instantaneous (See text)
Saving Throw: Reflex negates, Will (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
Tree, except this spell produces a tree with smooth,
white bark with golden fruit.
creature within 30ft of a White Tree must make a Will
save to attack or even act hostile. Being attacked breaks
this effect for 1d4 rounds, at which point the creature
must attempt another save. All creatures within 30ft
are also filled with a sense of safety and well being.
This is a [Mind Effecting] effect.
under a White Tree heals 1d4 hp/ hour.
Fruit of a white tree provides enough sustenance for
a full day when eaten. A newly cast White Tree has 1d6+2
fruits. These fruits grow back a year and a day after
they are picked and the fruit itself lasts 1 day/caster
level before losing its magical power once picked.
Component: an acorn dusted in 500gp worth of opal
Ibn 6, Sor/Wiz 6
Components: S, V
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 25ft+5 / 2 levels
Target: 1 creature of your size or
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Fort negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes
arm deforms into a hideous black mass and lashes out
to drain the life force from the target.
immediately attempt a grapple (though you do not have
to move into the target's space), using your caster
level instead of your BaB. If you succeed in the grapple
check, and each round you maintain the grapple and the
target fails its save, you, you deal 1d4 Con damage
to the target and gain 1 temporary point of Con.
the target dies from this effect, the spell ends and
the target cannot be raised via raise dead or resurrection.
to top]
Brd 0, Clr 0, Drd 0, Ibn 0, Inv 0, Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Duration:1 minute/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
volume of the target's voice increases. The volume
of the target's voice depends on your level. You can
produce as much noise as four normal humans per caster
level (maximum twenty humans).
Verbal Component: Sing into the infinite; with
the clearest of voices across eternity.
to top]
Brd 2, Clr 2, Inv 2, Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One humanoid creature
Duration: 1 round/level (D); see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
throw an iron pin through your target’s shadow.
A failed save means that the target’s shadow has
been pinned in place and the target's speed becomes
spell does not function in total darkness or in light
brighter than daylight. A daylight spell cast on an
object in the same square as the target instantly ends
the spell. Removing the pin, which requires a full round
action that provokes and attack of opportunity and a
Strength check DC 16 also ends the spell immediately.
Component: A six inch long iron pin worth 1sp,
destroyed when the spell ends.
to top]
in Twilight
Illusion [Shadow]
Brd 3, Ibn 3, Inv 3
Components: F
Casting Time: 1 swift action
Range: Close (25ft +5ft/2 levels)
Target: You and touched objects up
to 50lb/2 levels
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
Saving Throw: Will (see text)
Spell Resistance: No
You fade into a nearby
shadow and into the realm of shadows just long enough
to walk to a different location within range where
you reappear. To creatures on the material plane,
you appear to teleport instantly from one shadow to
Regardless of the range
of the spell, you cannot travel any further than you
could in a single move action. If you succeed in a
Will save, you can act as normal once you reappear
as if you had not moved that round. Otherwise, you
can take no further actions in that turn.
This spell depends on
shadows for an entry point or an exit point. It cannot
be cast in an area of bright illumination and locations
in such areas are considered out of range.
Focus: a black pearl worth 200gp.
to top]
Sor/Wiz 1, Drd 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time:1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration:1 hr./level
Saving Throw: Fort negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance:Yes (harmless)
target sprouts wings (appearance chosen by caster)
and flies with a speed equal to their base speed -20
(minimum 5) with a clumsy maneuverability.
to top]