parts of the core rules have been altered, removed,
or replaced in the Ere Campaign Setting. In the following
sections, you will see the changes made to accommodate
the flavor of the Ere Campaign setting
The most prominent change in the World of Ere is the
removal of the Alignment system. Good and Evil, Law
and Chaos are not tangible forces on Ere.
that depend on Alignment, such as the Paladin, and spells
that deal with Alignment such as Detect Evil or Blasphemy
should not be used on Ere. Alternatives are/will be
represented in the Setting.
Class and PrC Entries have an Alignment category for
use in non-Ere games.
The effect on ability scores on the game are little
changed. However, the impact of Charisma has been increased.
In addition to what is listed in the SRD, Charisma
now also effects bravery, self confidence, tact and
other things dependant on self image and impressions
on others. A character suffering from ability drain
in Charisma may have feelings of helplessness, hopelessness,
and a general lack of resolve.
Charisma is applied to Will saves instead of Wisdom.
Most skills are left intact on Ere, but the use of the
Alchemy and Bluff skills have been changed as follows:
- Craft
Alchemy no longer requires spell caster levels to
create alchemical devices.
Using the Feint version of Bluff does not allow the
target to add their base attack bonus to their sense
motive check.
Most feats work as normal with the following exceptions:
- Improved
Critical stacks with Keen Edge or the Keen weapon
- Improved
Two-Weapon Fighting and Greater Two-Weapon fighting
are replaced with Dual Weapon Combat.
Weapon Size Rules
On Ere, the various races live in close proximity to
one another and thus are likely to use and train with
weapons made for creatures of a size different from
their own. Thus, they do not incur penalties for using
inappropriately sized weapons.
measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon
(whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed,
or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered
by one step for each size category of difference between
the wielder’s size and the size of the creature
for which the weapon was designed. If a weapon’s
designation would be changed to something other than
light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration,
the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.
A halfling combatant is just as likely to use a Small
longsword. But he may also use a Medium short sword
and call it a halfling longsword, not taking any penalties
to attack when doing so.
Most magic items work as normal with the following exceptions:
The Keen weapon quality stacks with the Improved Critical
A number of items have been removed or replaced. A
complete list will be found in the Magic Item Section
of this site in the future.
Combat remains the same as in the Core game with the
exception of the following:
- Maim:
Whenever a critical hit is confirmed with a natural
20, roll to confirm again as if the 20 threatened
a critical. If the Maim is confirmed, the target must
save as if it had taken Massive damage.