Races -- Miare 

Along with the elves, Miare are the last survivors of the Forest Peoples, the Sylph worshiping fey nation that inhabited the 'Great Green Expanse', a massive magnagoth forest that dominated much of the present day nations of Caldaria, Novrom, and Callen.

Unlike the elves, however, the Miare adapted well to their new lot in life, becoming merchants and mercenaries, seldom putting down roots or forming their own communities.

Sidebar: Half Miare
Half Miare are the result of the mating of a miare and a human, elf or half elf. They have the same statistics as their non-miare parent, but have a very fine pelt, cat like ears, and a tail. Their favored classes are rogue and bard.
Personality: Miare are perpetual optimists and brim with confidence. They are also very affectionate to friends and family engaging in rough feline play at a moment’s notice. Caution can never be called a miare’s strong suit, as they tend to charge into situations without thought.

In the area of business however, miare shed their playfulness in favor of shrewd calculation and guile. While miare merchants are almost universally regarded as fair, they expect the same from their customers and rarely ever haggle, becoming quickly insulted at such attempts.

Physical Description: Miare are bipedal cats, standing between 6 to 7 feet tall and weighing between 150 to 220 pounds Their pelts range from tawny, to spotted to black depending on their genetics. They have long, nearly prehensile tails, measuring between 2 and 2½ feet long that twitch fiercely when the miare is agitated.
Female miare have shaggy tufts of hair on the backs of their hands and feet and have green eyes. Male miare have canine teeth that extend past their lip line, coarse fur down their backs, and brown eyes. All miare are well muscled and agile. Obesity is exceedingly rare among miare.

Relations: Miare often welcome non-miare into their communities, but often the affectionate play proves to hazardous to the recipient. Other races tend to accept miare quite readily. Elves, however look down on the miare in their attempts to integrate into society.

Non-miare raised among miare tend to pick up more of their adoptive family’s keen business sense more than their playfulness. Similarly, half-miare are more inclined to playfulness no matter what species raises them.

Miare Lands: Miare have no homeland, as it was destroyed long ago when the Great Green Expanse was destroyed. Miare now tend to live in tight knit communities in and around southern cities. In 4157, Novrom extended citizenship to miare and has been touting itself as the new miare homeland. Since that time, more than thirty thousand miare have taken up residence in the various principalities, usually as merchants or advisors.

Religion: Miare revere Sylph, the nature Goddess with an almost intimate devotion. While many of the forest peoples felt Sylph abandoned them when the Expanse was destroyed, Miare never lost their faith.

Language: Once, it is believed miare had their own language, but now they mostly speak Common. Among their own, miare have the uncanny ability to guess each other’s moods through body language.

Names: Miare names tend to consist of doubled vowels and rolled ‘r’s.
Male Names: Grrin, Cooverr, Deemso, Maaker
Female Names: Seeva, Niit, Raanitte, Caara
Family Names: Hilltopseeker, Plainsrunner, Treelinepouncer, or Riverhunter

Adventurers: Miare adventurers are often those who grow bored with the mercantile life most miare lead and strike out on their own. Miare who do choose the adventuring lifestyle live for the thrill of the hunt and the reward.

Miare Traits:

  • +4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Strength
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, miare have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Sylvan. Bonus Languages: Elven, and Divine.
  • Miare base land speed is 30 feet
  • Skills: +2 to climb, tumble and appraise
  • Low light vision
  • Natural weapon: claws 1d4 slashing
  • Favored Class: Rogue

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