Races -- Dragon Sired
Whether by ritual, accident, or genuine affection, the dragons of Ere occasionally sire children with demi humans. These children have both the strength and durability of their draconic parents and the capacity for adaptation and compassion of their humanoid parent.

Personality: Dragon sired beings are generally extremely self sure and have a very developed sense of entitlement. They retain their ancestor's desire to acquire and hoard treasure and are natural born leaders.

Physical Description: In their natural form, a dragon sired being has skin an hair darker than their humanoid brethren with patches of scales and stiff, spiny hair. Razor teeth gleam in their mouths, and dark talons curve from their hands and feet. A long tail extends behind them.

On average, they are a foot to a foot and a half taller and fifty to one hundred pounds heavier than their humanoid parents.

Relations: Dragon sired beings are deeply feared in most less civilized groups to the point of violence. Even in cities, they are likely to hide in their alternate form as much as possible. For their part, dragon sired beings feel they are above normal humanoids but do feel a connection with their base race.

Alignment: Dragon sired beings are rarely good regardless of their upbringing or heritage. The desire for power and wealth overrides mere altruism. Likewise, following rules that are not their own is something dragon sired beings disdain and thus they are rarely lawful.

Half Dragon Lands: While they control no homeland of their own, all dragon sired beings know that they will find comfort and understanding among the Dragon Cults in Taunaun.

Religion: Most dragon sired beings are dragon cultists, exploring the deific part of their heritage and reveling in it.

Language: Dragon sired beings speak draconic as well as any languages their humanoid parent speaks.

Names: Dragon sired beings have the naming conventions of whichever parent they are raised by, most often the humanoid.

Adventurers: The desire to make their own rules and seek wealth leads half dragons easily on the road to adventure. Often, they will form their own groups and forego guilds in favor of seeking out leads and clues to treasure on their own.

Dragon Sired Traits:

Creating a Dragon Sired Being

“Dragon Sired” is an inherited template that can be added to any humanoid or monsterous humanoid of Small or Medium size(referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A dragon sired being uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Size and Type: The creature gains the shapechanger subtype. Size is unchanged. Do not recalculate base attack bonus or saves.

Hit Dice: As base creature

Speed: A dragon sired being has draconic wings and gains a flight speed equal to the base creature’s base land speed with good maneuverability.

Armor Class: Natural armor improves by +2.

Attack: A dragon sired being has two claw attacks and a bite attack, and the claws are the primary natural weapon. A dragon sired being fighting without weapons uses a claw when making an attack action. When it has a weapon, it usually uses the weapon instead.

Full Attack: A dragon sired being fighting without weapons uses both claws and its bite when making a full attack. If armed with a weapon, it usually uses the weapon as its primary attack and its bite as a natural secondary attack. If it has a hand free, it uses a claw as an additional natural secondary attack.

Damage: Dragon sired beings have bite and claw attacks. If the base creature does not have these attack forms, use the damage values in the table below. Otherwise, use the values below or the base creature’s damage values, whichever are greater.

Size Bite Damage Claw Damage
1d4 1d3
1d6 1d4

Special Attacks: A dragon sired being retains all the special attacks of the base creature.

Special Qualities: A dragon sired being has all the special qualities of the base creature, plus darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. A dragon sired being has energy resistance (10) based on its dragon variety.

Dragon Variety Energy Resistance (10)
Black Acid
Blue Electricity
Brass Fire
Bronze Electricity
Copper Acid
Gold Fire
Green Acid
Red Fire
Silver Cold
White Cold

Alternate Form (Su): All dragon sired beings have an alternate form, as an average member of the base creature’s type. The may change into this form or back again as a move action. In this form, they lose the fly speed, natural weapons and the natural armor bonus granted by this template.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4, Cha +2.

Environment: Same as either the base creature or the dragon variety.

Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature + 1 (minimum 2).

Level Adjustment: Same as base creature +2.

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