
Calming Song
Calming Song, Mass
Discomfiting Song
Evasive Action
Find Leverage
Lasting Infamy
Living Legend
Self Assured
Stunning Down Note


Dire Strike
Dual Weapon Combat
Gentlemen’s Strike
Gun and Blade
Longreach Combat
Powerful Deflection
Quick Trigger
Shoot from the Hip
Spinning Cane

Fighter (Cont'd)
Trick Loading
Twin Strike
Two Weapon Style: Guard Style
Two Weapon Style: Quick Blades
Two Weapon Style: Twin Blades
Discarnate Legacy
Discomfiting Aura

Fox Magic

Fox Magic, Greater
Push the Limit
Push Potential
Quickened Step
Spirit Flight
Item Creation
Craft Magical Aide
Craft Locomotive Core


Calming Song [General]
You can use your bardic music to calm a creature.
Prerequisite: Bardic music ability, Perform (any) 9 ranks
Benefit: When ever you would use your music to attempt a suggestion, you may instead Attempt to calm emotions (as the spell) in one creature you have fascinated. A Will saving throw (DC 10 + ½ bard’s level + bard’s Cha modifier) negates the effect. Calming Song is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language dependent ability.

Calming Song, Mass [General]
Your bardic music soothes and comforts those who hear it.
Prerequisite: Calming Song, Perform (any) 20 ranks
Benefit: As Calming song, but you can simultaneously calm any number of creatures that he has already fascinated. Mass calming song is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting, language-dependent ability.

Discomfiting Song [General]
You bardic music saps the morale of your enemies.
Prerequisite: Inspire Courage bardic music ability.
Benefit: Whenever you use your music to inspire courage, you may instead cause your enemies to take a penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls equal to the bonus to melee attack and damage rolls your allies would otherwise have received.

Evasive Action
You are able to avoid damage to a vehicle you are piloting.
Prerequisite: Skill Focus (pilot)
Benefit: Once per round, when a vehicle you are piloting is hit in combat, you may attempt to negate the damage with a pilot check. The damage is negated if the result of your pilot check exceeds the attack roll.

Find Leverage
You are capable of tripping opponents much larger than yourself.
Prerequisite: Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Benefit: You can make trip attack against creatures two sizes larger than yourself. If you do, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on your trip check.

Lasting Infamy [General]
You are know far and wide in an infamous light.
Prerequisites: Cha 17+ Leadership
Benefit: You gain a +2 to Intimidate and Bluff checks when dealing with people who know who you are. You also gain a +1 to your leadership score.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, its effects stack.
You cannot take Lasting Infamy if you already have the Living Legend feat.

Living Legend [General]
You are known far and wide in a positive light.
Prerequisites: Cha 17+, Leadership
Benefit: You gain a +2 to Diplomacy and Bluff checks when dealing with people who know who you are. You also gain a +1 to your leadership score.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you do, its effects stack.
You cannot take Living Legend if you already have the Lasting Infamy feat.

Self Assured [General]
You are so proficient with your inspirational music, you can inspire yourself.
Prerequisite: Inspire Competence bardic music ability.
Benefit: You are able to inspire competence on yourself.
Normal: A bard cannot inspire competence on himself.

Sniper [General]
You are well versed in making precise attacks from range.
Prerequisite: Sneak Attack +2d6
Benefit: You may perform a sneak attack with a ranged weapon from up to 45ft from the target. If you do so, you deal 1d6 less damage on a successful sneak attack.
Normal: You may only perform a sneak attack with a ranged attack while within 30ft.
Special: If you are using a scope in conjunction with this feat, you may perform a sneak attack with a ranged weapon from up to 60ft.

Stunning Down Note [General]
Your bardic music attacks opponents’ minds.
Prerequisite: bardic music ability, Perform 11 ranks, Stunning Fist.
Benefit: Once per day, you may use your bardic music to stun a foe within 30ft of you as standard action. The target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + ½ your character level + your Cha modifier). A defender who fails this saving throw is stunned for 1 round (until just before your next action). A stunned character can’t act, loses any Dexterity bonus to AC, and takes a -2 penalty to AC.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time you do, you gain an additional use of Stunning Down Note per day.


Corp-a-corps [General, Fighter]
You press your attacks with amazing tenacity.
Prerequisite: Expertise
Benefit: If an opponent who was previously engaging you in combat takes a five foot step out of your space, you may move with him with him on his action. This counts as your five foot step for that round.
Normal: You can only move on your turn.

Dire Strike [General, Fighter]
You wield ungainly weapons through sheer force of will and brute strength
Prerequisite: Str 15+, Cha 13+, BaB +9
Benefit: You may wield weapons as if you were one size larger.

Additionally, when magic weapons resize, they resize as if you were one size larger.

Dual Weapon Combat [Fighter, General]
You are adept at the art of fighting with two weapons.
BaB +6, Dex 15+, Two-weapon Fighting
When using the two weapon fighting action, you gain an additional offhand attack based on your base attack bonus, just as you normally gain additional attacks with your main hand.

Example: A character with a BaB of +6/+1 gains offhand attacks at +6/+1. Penalties for Two-weapon Fighting still apply normally.

Special: This feat supercedes and does not stack with Improved Two-weapon Fighting or Greater Two-weapon Fighting.

Gentlemen’s Strike [General, Fighter]
You know how to deal non-lethal damage with your weapon.
Benefit: You may chose to deal non-lethal damage with any weapon with which you have weapon focus with without suffering a penalty.
Normal: You suffer a -4 penalty to attack when trying to deal non-lethal damage with most weapons.

Gun and Blade
You are a master of using a melee weapon in conjunction with a firearm.
Prerequisite: Two-weapon Fighting, Expertise
Benefit: When wielding a firearm and a melee weapon, you may take a -2 penalty on all attacks to fire your weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Normal: Firing a ranged weapon provokes and attack of opportunity.

Longreach Combat [General, Fighter]
You can fight with a two handed reach weapon with one hand.
Prerequisites: Bab +1, Weapon Focus with any reach weapon
Benefit: You may fight with any reach weapon you have weapon focus in as a one handed weapon at a -2 attack rolls with that weapon. You cannot use another weapon in your offhand, but you can now hold a shield..
Normal: You may only use most reach weapons in two hands.
Special: The whip does not count as a reach weapon for the purposes of this feat.

Powerful Deflection [General, Fighter]
You hurl opponents from your path.
Prerequisite: Improved Bullrush, Power Attack, Str 18+
Benefit: When you perform a bullrush, you do not need to move with your opponent.
Normal: You move with your opponent during a bullrush.

Quick Trigger
You are quick to fire.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Point Blank Shot
Benefit: You can make two attacks with a firearm as a standard action. Precision based damage such as from sneak attack only applies once when using this feat.

Shoot From the Hip
You are adept at drawing and firing on nearby targets.

Prerequisite: Quick Draw
Benefit: You provoke no attacks of opportunity for firing a firearm on the same round you draw it.
Normal: Firing a ranged weapon provokes and attack of opportunity.

Spinning Cane [General, Fighter]
You are skilled at fighting with a reach weapon in close quarters.
Prerequisite: Bab +1, Weapon Focus with any reach weapon.
Benefit: Once per round, as a move action, you may shift your hold on any reach weapon you have weapon focus with. If you do so, the weapon no longer gives reach, but is now a double weapon. The other end of the weapon deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage and has a critical range of x2 for Medium weapons.

A move action is needed to use the weapon as a reach weapon again.

Normal: You must always use a reach weapon as a reach weapon.

Trick Loading
You’ve learned creative methods for reloading firearms.
Prerequisite: Bab +3, Dexterity 13+
Benefit: You are able to reload any firearm you are proficient with using one hand instead of two.

Twin Strike [Fighter, General, Two Weapon Style]
Your speed when fighting with two weapons is unparalleled
BaB +6, Dex 15+, Two Weapon Fighting, any one Two Weapon Style feat
You may make a single attack with both your main and offhand weapons as a standard action. Penalties for fighting with two weapons still apply to this additional attack.
A character may only make a single attack as a standard action.

Two Weapon Style: Guard Style [Fighter, General, Two Weapon Style]
You are adept at deflecting attacks with your off hand while striking true with your main hand.
Two-weapon Fighting, Combat Expertise
When using the Expertise feat and the two-weapon fighting action, the penalty applied by Combat Expertise is only applied to attacks with your off hand.

Two Weapon Style: Quick Blades [Fighter, General, Two Weapon Style]
You are exceedingly capable when fighting with two light weapons
BaB +1, Dex 15+, Two-weapon Fighting
When wielding two light weapons, you suffer no penalties for using the two-weapon fighting action.
A character using the two-weapon fighting action take a -2 penalty to all attacks.

Two Weapon Style: Twin Blades [Fighter, General, Two Weapon Style]
You fight with matched weaponry with superior skill
Bab +1, Dex 15+, Two-weapon Fighting
When wielding two one handed weapons of the same type, you treat your offhand weapon as if it were light for the purposes of two-weapon fighting.
Normal: A character wielding two one handed weapons takes a -4 penalty to all attacks.






Accelerate [Discarnate, Quick]
You can press yourself to move with even greater speed
Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Quickened Step
Benefit: Once per day, you may choose to gain a racial bonus to your speed equal to your half of your base land speed. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you gain an additional daily use of this ability.

Discarnate Legacy [General]
Your bloodline flows with residual effects of divinity sparks.
Prerequisite: Cha 15+, 1st level only
Benefit: You have a gross deformity that marks you as an Inborn (unnatural coloration of skin, hair or eyes, glowing eyes, forked tongue, etc). In addition, you are considered to have the Discarnate subtype for all effects including spells and feat prerequisites.

Discomfiting Aura [Discarnate]
Your dark aura unsettles you foes
Prerequisite: Con 15+, Discarnate Subtype
Benefit: All opponents within 10ft of a creature with this feat are sickened unless they succeed in a Fortitude saving throw (DC = 10 + Cha modifier +½ HD) . A successful saving throw against this effect means the creature is immune to it for 24 hours. The effect lasts until the creature leaves the area of effect. Re-entering the area of effect entitles the creature to another saving throw.

Fox Magic [Discarnate]
You are capable of performing some minor magic tricks.
Prerequisite: Discarnate subtype
Benefit: You gain the ability to cast prestidigitation at 3/day as an inborn of a level equal to your HD.

Fox Magic, Greater [Discarnate]
You are capable of performing some minor magic tricks.
Prerequisite: Cha 13+, Fox Magic, Discarnate subtype
Benefit: You gain the ability to cast prestidigitation at will as an inborn of a level equal to your HD.

Inexorable [Discarnate, Quick]
Your reaction times allow you to maintain your speed even in difficult situations.
Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Quickened Step, Discarnate subtype
Benefit: Anytime you would normally be forced to move at half speed, you move at full speed. If any effect requires the you to move at half speed to avoid an effect, you may move at full speed instead.

Push the Limit [Discarnate]
You are able to cast more powerful spells than you would normally be capable of.
Discarnate subtype, must cast spells using spell points.
When casting spells that deal a number of dice of damage based on caster level, you may pay 1 additional spell point to increase the effective caster level of the spell for the purposes of determining the amount of damage dealt (to a maximum of your caster level or the maximum of the spell, whichever is lower).
When casting spells using spell points, damage is calculated as if cast by a character of the minimum level of the class capable of casting the spell.

Push Potential [Discarnate]
You are capable of unleashing your full potential while casting spells.
Prerequisite: Discarnate Subtype, Push the Limit, must cast spells using spell points.
Benefit: 3/day, the damage dealt by a spell you cast is calculated at your full caster level.
Normal: When casting spells using spell points, damage is calculated as if cast by a character of the minimum level of the class capable of casting the spell.
Special: You may take this feat more than once. Each time you take it, you gain one additional use per day.

Quickened Step [General, Quick]
You are possessed of the gift of inhuman speed
Prerequisite: Dex 15+, Discarnate subtype
Benefit: For every Quick feat you have, including Quickened Step, you’re your base land speed increases by an additional 10. Additionally, you require twice the normal amount of food each day to avoid starvation.

Spirit Flight [Discarnate]
You fly perfectly with a thought
Prerequisite: Endurance, Discarnate Subtype
Benefit: You have a fly speed of +10 (perfect)
Special: The effects of this feat stack, each time you take it, your fly speed increases by 10ft.

Item Creation

Craft Magical Aide
You are able create magical to craft Wondrous Items that enhance a character’s skills to a greater degree than normal. You do not need the Craft Wondrous Items feat to use Craft Magical Aide, but some Wondrous Items require Craft Magical Aide in their creation.

Different skills cost a different amount to make. Use the table below to find the appropriate cost of crafting a magical aide:

Skill Pricing Formula

Skill Formula
Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Jump, Knowledge, Profession, Ride Bonus squared x 20
Balance, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope Bonus squared x 50
Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Forgery, Intimidate, Open Lock, Perform, Sleight Of Hand, Spellcraft, Tumble, Use Magic Device Bonus Squared x 100
Speak Language 400gp/language granted

Magical aides must be made in the form of tools or totems appropriate to the skill enhanced. For example, a set of climbing gloves for climbing, a headband for concentration, or glasses for spot.

Craft Locomotive Core
You are know the arts involved in creating self propelled devices.
Prerequisites: Caster level 5
Benefit: You can create any vehicle whose prerequisites you meet.

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