Equipment: Weapons

New Weapons

Name Cost Dmg Rng. Critical Weight Type
Melee Weapons            
Shinai 2gp 1d4 - x2 3lb bdg
Swordbreaker 15gp 1d4 - 19-20/x2 2lb pir


Daizaku 55gp 2d6 - 18-20/x2 15lb sla
Direblade 40gp 2d8 - 19-20/x2 18lb sla


30gp 1d6 - 4x 2lb sla or pir
Katana 35gp 1d8 - 18-20/x2 5lb sla
Whip, Combat 10gp 1d4 - x2 2lb sla
Ranged Weapons            



Gattling Crossbow

500gp 2d6 150ft 4x 120lb pir
Pistol, Dueling 15gp 1d4 40ft. x4 1lb piercing
Pistol, Repeater 30gp 1d4 40ft x4 2lb piercing
Shotgun   60gp 1d8 60ft x4 6lb piercing
Hand Cannon 65gp 1d8 30ft x4 3lb piercing
Long Rifle   80gp 1d10 100ft x4   8lb piercing
Grapple Launcher 100gp 1d6 50ft. x4 12lb piercing

Two-handed, exotic melee

Daizaku are the favorite weapons of minotaur warriors as they come of age. The presentation of their first Daizaku is an important step in a young minotaur’s life. They are massive, slightly curved swords designed to maximize the slashing surface instead of adding the weight of the weapon as the direblade does.

A daizaku is impossible to wield as a weapon without special training. No character can use a daizaku if they are not proficient with it.

A daizaku is difficult to sheath and unsheathe, requiring a full round to unsheathe and sheath. The Quick Draw feat makes this a move equivalent action. In either case, sheathing or unsheathing a daizaku is so involved that it provokes and attack of opportunity.

Two-handed, exotic melee

Direblades, also called minotaur hunting swords are massive iron swords, with blades of upwards of ten feet long. They rarely have guards or pommels to speak of.

They are favored by the minotaurs as hunting weapons as they view use of ranged weapons against mere game animals as shameful as the animal has no chance to fight back.

A direblade is impossible to wield as a weapon without special training. No character can use a direblade if they are not proficient with it.

A direblade is difficult to sheath and unsheathe, requiring a full round to unsheathe and sheath. The Quick Draw feat makes this a move equivalent action. In either case, sheathing or unsheathing a direblade is so involved that it provokes and attack of opportunity.

Gattling crossbow
Siege ranged weapon
A Gattling Crossbow does not work like normal ranged weapons, instead, The character targets a 10-foot-by-10-foot area and makes an attack roll; the targeted area has an AC of 10. If the attack succeeds, every creature within the affected area must make a Reflex save (DC 15) or take the weapon’s damage. A Gattling Crossbow shoots 10 bolts, and can only be used if the weapon has 10 bolts in it.

The crossbow can fire for 5 rounds before going empty and requires two full round actions (and 50 crossbow bolts) to reload.

Light, exotic melee weapon
A kari'dakai resembles a thinner, slightly less curved scythe blade set into a handle extending perpendicular from the wide end of the blade. It is held so that the blade can be held with the curve following the natural curve of the forearm for a sweeping slash, or in a smooth motion turned around to bring the devastating focused point of the blade to bear.

Kari'dakai are one handed light weapons for anyone with the appropriate exotic weapon proficiency, and one handed weapons for people with the appropriate martial weapon proficiency.

One Handed, exotic melee weapon
A katana is too large to use in one hand without special training; thus, it is an exotic weapon. A character can use a katana two-handed as a martial weapon.

One handed, simple melee
A shinai is a light training sword made of loosely bundled straw or bamboo. A shinai only deals non-lethal damage.

Feats that apply to the longsword or bastard sword also apply to the shinai.

Light martial melee weapon

A swordbreaker is a notched short sword with an oversized hilt and pommel.

With a swordbreaker, you get a +4 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an enemy (including the roll to avoid being disarmed if such an attempt fails). In addition, if you fight with a swordbreaker in your off hand, you gain a +2 damage on sunder attempts. These sunder attempts need not be made with the swordbreaker, the swordbreaker needs only to be wielded at the same time.

Feats that apply to the short sword also apply to the swordbreaker.

Whip, Combat
Light, exotic melee weapon
A whip deals non-lethal damage. The whip is treated as a melee weapon with 15-foot reach, though you don’t threaten the area into which you can make an attack. Using a whip provokes an attack of opportunity, just as if you had used a ranged weapon.

You can make trip attacks with a whip. If you are tripped during your own trip attempt, you can drop the whip to avoid being tripped. When using a whip, you get a +2 bonus on opposed attack rolls made to disarm an opponent (including the roll to keep from being disarmed if the attack fails).

A whip can be treated as 15ft of rope, granting a +4 bonus to use rope checks to secure the whip as if it were a grappling hook.

Proficiency and feats that apply to the whip apply to the combat whip as well.


Firearms are a new class of ranged weapons that have their own set of additional rules attached to them. In general, a firearm is a ranged projectile weapon that uses a gunpowder explosion to propel lead bullets or other projectiles.

Firearms are very loud, applying a +10 circumstance bonus to listen checks to hear them being discharged.

Light, One-Handed and Two-handed Firearms
Firearms are categorized by the amount of effort it takes to wield them just as melee weapons are. Firearms not classified as two-handed can be used normally with the two-weapon fighting option and related feats.

A character with two weapon fighting, wielding a melee weapon and a firearm can both fire and attack in melee on a full attack. He still provokes attacks of opportunity for firing a ranged weapon.

Pistol, Dueling
Light simple ranged weapon (firearm)
Dueling pistols are small, single shot pistols. Loading a dueling pistol requires two hands, is a move equivalent action that can be combined with a regular move action and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Due to its small size, a dueling pistol is easy to conceal, granting a +4 equipment bonus to sleight of hand checks made to conceal it.

Pistol, Repeater
Light simple ranged weapon (firearm)
Repeater pistols, also simply called ‘repeaters’ feature either a rotating drum or a spring loaded clip that can hold up to six bullets at a time. A character wielding a repeater can make full attacks as long as there are bullets remaining in the weapon.

Fully loading a repeater is a move equivalent action or as a free action combined with a move action that provokes an attack of opportunity. In either case, loading a repeater requires two hands.

Two handed simple ranged weapon (firearm)
A shotgun is a powerful weapon that fires heavy lead slugs. A shotgun can fire two shots before it needs to be reloaded. Loading a shotgun is a move equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Normally, operating a shotgun requires two hands, but it can be shot, but not loaded with one hand at a -4 penalty.

Hand Cannon
One handed martial ranged weapon (firearm)
Easier to hold, but more difficult to control, the hand cannon sports a shorter barrel than a shotgun and a truncated stock. A hand cannon can fire two shots before it needs to be reloaded. Fully loading a hand cannon is a move equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

A hand cannon is treated a light for the purposes of concealing it with a sleight of hand check.

Long Rifle
Two handed martial ranged weapon (firearm)
A long rifle is a powerful ranged weapon with greater range and damage potential than other firearms. Loading a long rifle is a move equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Grapple Launcher
Two handed exotic ranged weapon (firearm)
A grapple launcher is a modified shotgun that fires grapple charges attached to rope instead of shells. It is normally used as a tool, providing a +15 equipment bonus to use rope checks involving setting a grappling hook. However, well trained individuals can use a grapple launcher as an offensive weapon.

Whenever a character wits with an attack with a grapple launcher, they may make a special grapple check without moving into the opponent’s square and with bonuses to grapple as if they were one size larger.

A character grappled in this way can attempt to attack the connecting line, but the AC of the line is equal to the ranks in Use Rope the wielder of the grapple launcher possesses plus 5.

Reloading a grapple launcher is a full round action that provokes an attack of opportunity.


Name Cost Weight
Bullet, Pistol (20) 2gp 1lb
Bullet, Rifle (20) 2gp 1lb
Grapple Charge (5) 20gp 2lb (each)
Shell (20) 4gp 1lb
Shell, Scatter (20) 4gp 1lb
Shell, Tacky (20) 2gp 1lb

Bullet, Pistol (20)
Pistol bullets are small cylinders of brass containing a lead slug and enough gunpowder to propel it. They are the ammunition for dueling pistols and repeater pistols.

Bullet, Rifle (20)
Rifle bullets are larger versions of pistol bullets. They are the ammunition for long rifles.

Grapple Charge (5)
A grapple charge is a specially prepared device rigging a grappling hook to the end of an oversized shotgun shell. The grappling hook has a loop just behind the irons for the attachment of rope.

Shell (20)
Shells are tin cartridges containing a heavy lead slug and enough gunpowder to propel it. They are the ammunition for shotguns, sawed-off shotguns and hand cannons.

Shell, Scatter (20)
Scatter shells are shotgun shells that contain multiple lead pellets instead of the normal shells. Damage done by scatter shells is bludgeoning instead of piercing.

Shell, Tacky (20)
Tacky shells as shotgun shells filled with an alchemical goo in stead of a normal slug. The goo expands on impact, preventing penetration. Damage done by a tacky shell is non-lethal.

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