Equipment: Materials

Special Materials

Ash Glass
When Calderian hatred and madness turned the Green Expanse into the desolate Ashed Lands, all manner of horrible and malevolent powers were unleashed in numbers too high to count. This hellish lands is the source of a number of exotic materials born from those powers. One of these substances is ash glass, a smoky, dark grey crystal formed as the Calderian weapon’s discharge ran through quartz deposits.
Name Hardness Hit Points Cost
Ash Glass
Other Items
Ash glass is radiates a form of magical radiation that disrupts discarnate creatures. A killing blow from an ash glass weapon kills a creature with the immortality (-20), immortality (beheading) and immortality (immolation) traits at -10 hit points as if it did not have the immortality trait.

Armor can be made from ash glass, but it adds no additional benefits and in fact negates the immortality trait of any creature wearing it. Other items, such as windows, goggles and glasses can be made of ash glass, but have no benefits or penalties aside from being exotic looking.

Ash glass has a hardness of 10 and 5 hit points per inch of thickness.

Gretharian Wood
The gretharian is a tree native to the Tresolmi jungle and once native to the green expanse. A few ancient examples of the species still grow along the Calleni borders. The gretharian is renowned for its incredible regenerative properties that allow the tree to regrow even from a stump as its roots continue to draw nutrients. The hailene one used specially grown gretharian trees to form the hulls of their Dragonslayer capitol ships during the war of ascension.

Name Hardness Hit Points Cost
Gretharian Wood
Other Items
An item made entirely out of wood and carved from a single, contiguous piece of gretharian (even if those pieces are later separated to form doors or lids) retains some of these regenerative properties. It repairs 1 damage dealt to it each day. A spell or effect that cures hit point damage to creatures repairs an equal amount to an item made of gretharian wood. Finally, any such spell that would cure damage equal to such an item’s total hit points can restore it from total destruction.

Only items made primarily of wood can be made of gretharian wood.

Gretharian wood has a hardness of 5 and 10 hit points per inch of thickness.

This brass colored metal is mined from gold deposits transformed by divinity sparks. It is characterized by its physical resilience as well as its resistance to magical effects.

Name Hardness Hit Points Cost
Light armor
Medium armor
Heavy armor
Other Items
+500gp/10ft cube
An item made from orihalcon automatically succeeds and saving throws against magical effects. Additionally, a half inch of orihalcon blocks divination effects, and teleportation.

Orihalcon has a hardness of 20 and 15 hit points per inch of thickness.

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